
Welcome to our second photo challenge “Bubbles”

If you missed last week’s challange, you can find it here!

A Charming Heart’s Shot:

Unfortunately  this was not the shot that I had intended this week for our photo challenge. I had envisioned my cat interacting and playing with the bubbles in the photograph…he was a cranky model instead. I hope to redo this photograph again at another time. Oh well Ce la vie!

Chasing Now‘s Shot:

Bubble Collage

This photo did not come out at all how I intended. I just might have to reshoot this one! The busyness of life sometimes gets in the way and a deadline comes up way too fast. My original idea was inspired by the bubbles in Cinderella in the scene when she scrubs the floor, which is why they are different colors. Since I was unable to shoot the photo the way I wanted, I composited a bunch of old photos together to create an imaginative little daydreamer scene. The bright side of this challenge is I learned how to make bubbles in Photoshop!

Bubble CollagePhoto Challenge Bubbles

Were either of the photos what you have in mind when you think of Bubbles?

Comment below and tell us your thoughts.

We want to see what you came up with! Make sure to follow us on Instagram (@ChasingNow and @ACharmingHeart) and use the hashtag #AlliAndNikki so we can see your posts. Our next theme is Free and will be posted in two weeks on Nikki’s blog: https://chasingnowphoto.wordpress.com


It’s the big reveal of the results of our first photo challenge subject:Bright.

Check out the photos over on Chasing Now

Were either of the photos what you have in mind when you think of Bright? Comment below and tell us your thoughts.

We want to see what you came up with! Make sure to follow us on Instagram (@ChasingNow and @ACharmingHeart) and use the hashtag #AlliAndNikki so we can see your posts.

Our next theme is Bubbles and will be posted in two weeks on Alli’s blog: https://acharmingheart.wordpress.com/

Photo Challenge

My friend Nikki and I have very different styles when it comes to photography (and probably everything else from clothes to decorating haha!). I use sculptures and creatures that I hand make and tend to focus on animals and nature. Nikki is a people photographer — high school seniors, families, kids, you get the idea. We thought it would be fun to do a photo challenge to see how different our approaches to the same subject would turn out.

Our first post will be on Monday November 10th and we will post biweekly on both our blogs on Mondays after that. Want to join in? We will announce the upcoming subject the same day we post our photos. Just use the hashtag #AlliAndNikki and we can see your photos on Instagram.

Here are all the places to follow us along on our photo challenge adventure:



Instagram: @chasingnow and @acharmingheart

Oh, and our first subject is Bright. Stay tuned to see the result next week!


“Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart” ~Unknown

Lily pads alli's blog

Last week was quite difficult, very stressful, and filled with sadness. I took this photo over the summer, and had every intention of posting it, but never got around to it. I was in such a peaceful place (physically and emotionally) when I shot this. Looking at this now, it just seems appropriate for going into this week. It is a good reminder that I WILL find peace within myself again even through this sadness and chaos. Even in cool dark waters, There are rays of sunshine and peaceful tiny flowers blooming :)




Beep Boop Beep!

Just popping in here real quick to share a new photo. It was inspired by my husband. He’s taking classes as an engineer and has built some robots! I’ve been trying to find a way to mix my creatures and my nature photography, and I think I may be getting closer to creating the art that I would like :)



Now it is off to some relaxing before I head back into the crazy work week ;)  Have a good day everyone!


House Guest

Well so I missed posting last week, but I have a reallyyyyy good reason ;)



Isn’t he cute?! (Sorry for the horrible lighting and color. I didn’t want to get to close, and so photographic technique went out the window :P )

We found him on the porch at my work. We weren’t able to keep him, but we did find him a very good home.

It’s so funny how something so tiny can leave such a big impression on your heart :)


Well, off I go till next time. Have a great week everyone!




Unusual Places

Hello everyone!

I hope that you had a nice weekend :) My father found this little guy sitting on the hinge inside of his truck door. Such a strange spot for a little frog to be!



I got him into a little cup, and set him near some nice cool rocks in the shade. He was so tiny and cute :)

I have been taking walks outside with my camera and notebook, and I couldn’t be happier. My crafty fogginess seems to be lifting a bit, and I can’t wait to share how my nature walks are inspiring my art.

That will have to wait for the next post though. It was a long and busy work day today, and I am gonna curl up on the couch with my hubby and fur babies, relax a bit, and watch some Firefly reruns.

Have a great day! and if it is sunny where you are, make sure to get outside and soak in some vitamin d!



Still here

Hi everyone! I know it has been a while since I last posted here. I promise I haven’t forgotten about my blog, I’ve just been struggling with my art as of late. I guess you could say I’ve been having an art “identity crisis”. I’ve decided that the only way for me to work through this block is to blog about it. I plan to share more of my everyday nature photography and even some tutorials. My heart has been telling me to get back outside with my camera and explore the natural world. So a little bit of a different direction,but i will still post my creations.

I am sorry for the lack of photos in this post. I am currently typing this from my phone… next post will most definitely have photos from a hiking trip this past weekend :)

To all of the fathers out there, have a happy fathers day!
